The Autumn Equinox

Mary Plumb looks at this week’s equinox chart as a moment of recalibration and restoration in our annual cycle around the Sun. Here’s to a moment of tranquility!

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Oct/Nov 2011 Issue

Oct/Nov 2011

Highlights of this issue:

    • Tuning into the Zeitgeist
    • Global Uprisings and the Uranus-Pluto Effect
    • Are You Ready for the Neptune in Capricorn Generation?
    • Issac Newton, a Bridge between Science and Spirit
    • Embracing the Adventure of a Uranus Cycle
    • Shirley’s Journey
    • Stalking the Wild Stellium: A Field Guide…..and more.



Sample Features from this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter | Forecast Calendar
Current Lunations | Astrology News

Full Pisces Moon

Mary Plumb collects some bloggers on the September 11 events and today’s Full Moon at 19 Pisces. May everything we are doing today come to a rewarding and fulfilling sense of completion. Enjoy the fullness of the Moon.

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Mercury Opposite Neptune

Mary Plumb looks at the the inner and outer weather patterns as we approach the last in this summer’s series of Mercury-Neptune oppositions (which will be on September 8). 

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A Summer Monday

Mary Plumb keeps it to few words this week and directs you to a few stops in TMA’s site worthy of another read. Here’s to Mercury retrograde. Have a good week, everyone.

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Some timely astrology blogs

Mary Plumb collects blogs about lots of topics, including this week’s aspects, a few astrological teaching sites, and a video visit from Pema Chodron. Have a good week everyone.

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