South of the Border

Guest blogger Audra Stenger writes on current transits to the Nation of Mexico horoscope (1821). She describes striking connections between the ongoing t-square between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto and the country’s natal horoscope.

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The Tillman Story

The Tillman Story is a new documentary about Pat Tillman’s death in Afghanistan in 2004. A Scorpio Sun, born on a lunar eclipse, with a prominent Aries Point, Mary Plumb looks at Tillman’s natal and progressed horoscopes, and his connections to the Sibly chart.

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Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle

Guest blogger Robert Blaschke writes another fine article:  Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle. He describes Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti’s work on the Venus-Mars synodic cycle and  offers insight into Mutations in 77-Month Recurrence Pattern since 1960.

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After the Full Moon

Greetings one and all. Mary Plumb writes this week’s blog on the convergence of Mars and Saturn in Libra as part of “the ground for the inner work of reclaiming parts of ourselves.”

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Wonderful Astrology Blogs

Mary Plumb finds a collection of  astrology blogs with lots of wonderful observations about summer 2010. Thanks to all the fine bloggers. Remember, we’re all in this together!

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